The club runs “ladders” which are a great way to meet other players that match your level. We use an App called Scala Sports. The ladders run three times a year for four months each and are overseen by John Currie, one of the club members. Sign up for the App and then based on an initial assessment (this might be just a quick chat, or even your own guess – no test!) you will be placed in one of the groups. At the end of the run (after allowing for new entrants /retirements) if you win enough points from your matches, you will go up a group in the next run. If you lose the majority of your matches, you will quite likely go down. If you win some and lose some, you’ll probably stay where you are.
It has been generally agreed amongst the members that if any player or pair does not play any of their matches for one run of the ladder without good reason being given to the organiser, he will automatically remove them. Obviously if you are ill, injured or working excessively please let John (and the others in your rung) know and allowances can of course be made.
Each group has up to eight names – If you can play all the others in your group, this may give you a better chance of a higher final points score.
Each group has up to six pairs – Again, as many matches played where possible may improve your chance of a better total. Please note that players may only pair with one doubles partner per run (see full Singles & Doubles Ladder Rules) except in cases of long term injury or absence. VIEW RULES You can contact John Currie by calling him on 07745 625716 or emailing him on